Daniel Josier Golden Tuberose Fragrance


A luxury perfume with unique qualities and a lot of depth. It has character and strength! 23K gold perfume that comes off with the perfume spray, leaving gold particles on your skin.

Pink fruits, spices and nutmeg with soft and delicate hints of marigolds and grapefruit on the edges giving way to a majestic leather. The flavor is tropical with warm white flowers, tuberose and ylang-ylang intertwined with a hint of wild heliotrope and Osmantus. Amber and flower vanilla add sensuality. The fragrance is wrapped in subtle oak moss and white musk.

  • Top notes: Davana, red fruits, taget, tuberose.
  • Heart notes: ylang-ylang, nutmeg, jasmine, tuberose.
  • Base notes: oak moss, vanilla, musk.
SKU: 8436535680264 Categories: , , , ,

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Presentation Eau de Parfum

Daniel Josier Golden Tuberose Fragrance

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